Each year in November, passing a fellow moustachioed man in the street feels akin to giving them a secret handshake. Like you’re part of a club.
Men’s health is in crisis. Lonely and isolated, men are going down dark algorithmic wormholes and turning to divisive, toxic collectives for help. So, in their 20th year of urging men to grow moustaches (amongst other efforts) in November for awareness of men’s mental illness, prostate and testicular cancers, Movember needed a bold new creative direction.

So Movember became the world’s least secret, most inclusive secret society. The antidote to the Andrew Tates and other wayward souls — providing mateship, a true sense of belonging, and a purpose: to stop men dying too young.
Borrowing from the visual worlds of cults and secret societies with their tongue firmly planted in their cheek, Movember’s mighty moustache brandmark became a symbol of camaraderie and hope.
'The Mo Is Calling' was launched across the UK, US, Canada, Ireland, Australia and NZ, inspiring a new wave of participation in their annual month-long fundraising spectacular.

Silver AWARD Awards, Best Use of Sound & Music
Finalist AWARD Awards, Craft – VFX
Campaign Brief The Work, Film, TV and Cinema
Campaign Brief The Work, OOH
Campaign Brief The Work, Film/TV Craft – VFX
Campaign Brief The Work, Film/TV Craft – Music
Campaign Brief The Work, Film/TV Craft – Sound
Best TVC of the Week, BestAdsOnTV
Best Outdoor of the Week, BestAdsOnTV
Campaign of the Week, Little Black Book